Fab Academy Providence -Year II - Teaching

MTM Snap Shield

Although Jonathan Ward had our MTM Snap running on his last trip to Providence, he recommended that we replace the individual stepper boards with the Arduino shield that he and Nadya Peek had created.  It seems some faulty wiring had cooked two of the stepper drivers and that we needed the increased capacitance of the shield. I milled, stuffed and assembled the shield.  Now to test it.

Stuffed MTM Snap Arduino Shield

MTM shield

Freshly Milled MTM Snap Arduino Shield

MTM Shield

Fab Academy AS220 - Providence, RI Fab Academy Providence -Year II - Teaching

Working MTM Snap – Almost Complete!

MTM Snap – Z and X and Y Axis Working

Jonathan Ward came down from MIT to Fab Academy AS220 @ AS220 Labs to help us with our MTM snap machine. We were missing some critical parts, so he helped us get what we had in stock to work with his design. At this point the machine is working – but we need to replace the individual stepper boards with the shield (we need the increased capacitance and we think we may have cooked the boards a bit with some initial faulty wiring.) We are also waiting for some thrust bearings to come in from McMaster Carr. They should be in shortly and I will publish an update.

Fab Academy AS220 - Providence, RI Fab Academy Providence -Year II - Teaching

Fab Academy AS220 Assembles the MTM Snap