Design for CNC book cover

User Experience + Digital Fabrication

Anna Kaziunas France is a user experience designer, digital fabricator, author, editor, and experimental educator.

Anna Kaziunas France

Currently, Anna works as a senior UX designer for PTC, designing SaaS applications in the IIOT (industrial internet of things) space. Formerly, she worked as a lead user experience designer for Infosys/WONGDOODY. She has also worked as an editor for Make: Books, was digital fabrication editor and skill builder section editor for Make: Magazine, and directed Make:'s 2015 and 2014 3D Printer Shootout testing events. In addition, she also served as the Dean of the global Fab Academy program and taught the "How to Make (Almost) Anything" rapid prototyping course in digital fabrication at the AS220 Industries. Prior to that, she spent several years as an information architect/UX designer at a numerous agencies.

Her most recent book is Design for CNC: Furniture Projects and Fabrication Technique. She's also the co-author of Getting Started with MakerBot, and she compiled Make: 3D Printing.

She's also very interested in costume, 3D scanned artwork, and biofabrication.

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